WATCH: Baby Elephant Becomes A Star After Taking Over Reporters Broadcast

An adorable, playful elephant stole the show from a young reporter when the trunk of the elephant started to explore the mans face.

Reporter Alvin Kaunda was surrounded by a few orphaned elephants at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Nairobi when one of the babies decided to get up close and personal.

Kaunda was trying to discuss the effect humans have had on the environment while at a wildlife rescue in Kenya when all of the sudden, an elepant decided it didn’t want to be part of the background.

“At first I felt the elephant trunk’s contact on my back but decided to keep going because I was doing my almost 10th take of my piece to camera,” Kaunda told Storyful. “I wasn’t gonna let anything stop me.”

However, the elephant had different plans. The video shows the curious elephant moving its trunk over Kaunda’s ear, then to the top of his head. Suddenly, the elephant placed its trunk right on top of his nose. Finally, Kaunda had to stop filming yet again when the baby elephant “stuck its trunk in my mouth.”

“It was actually my first time at the trust,” Kaunda said. “I knew I was going to see the elephants but didn’t know that they’d let me so close to them.”

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, increasing threats of poaching and loss of habitat have made Africa’s elephant populations more endangered in recent years.

Sadly the population of these beautiful and highly intelligent animals has fallen by more than 86% over a 31-year period, while the population of savanna elephants dropped by more than 60% over a 50-year period, according to the IUCN, which rates the global extinction risks to the world’s animals.

Fox 10


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